How could a green building product guarantee a total well-being?

Green building ( or bio-architecture) stands building construction able to reduce envirennoement impact (ecology), guaranteeing the saving of resources and the minimum production of pollution in all phases of the life cycle (sustainability).

The EDILCANAPA range of products grant a healthy and comfortable indoor environment and at the same time improve the external environment, energy saving, C02 emission  reduction and reuse at the and of its life.

Hemp Eco-friendly feautures

EDILCANAPA products are 100% natural and all its additives have natural or a vegetal origin. They have a low embodied energy and a reduces water consuption.


Hemp, a sustainable raw material represents a relevant percentage in the EDILCANAPA products.




  • It does not contain THC, so its cultivation is fully legal
  • It is grown without the use of pesticides
  • It has a very low water consumption
  • It is a resistant plant that adapts itself to any microclimates
  • It is a fast growing plant
  •  It has a high yield in terms of vegetable mass
  •  It cleans and remineralize the soil, preparing it for other crops
  • It absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere such a large quantitiy as to compensate for the emissions produced by the other components (i.e lime) and brings the balance of emissions into negative (carbon-negative).


It is well known that many diseases of this  are related to environmental pollution. You usually spend more than 90% of our time indoor. “Indoor pollution” that is to say poor quality air of closed spaces, is the one you breathe in your homes, communities, offices, public buildings and workplaces.

Scientific researches have shown a strong correlation between exposure to polluted indoor environment and certain types of cancer, allergies and infections. For this reason  WHO (World Health Organization) has officially recognized the “Sick Building Syndrome” (SBS), thus defining a series of symptoms related to the inadequate ventilation, humidity, mould presence, building materials volatiles comonents, furniture and chemical cleaning products (e.g. radon, asbestos, sulphur oxides and nitrogen).

Edilcanapa products

  • They do not release any harmful substance
  • They are are 100% natural
  • They are antiseptic and breathable
  • They prevent the condensation, moulds, fungi and bacteria presence
  • They contribute to healthier and more breathable air


More and more technicians are aware they have to design homes having a great an internal well-being and the a high healthiness of the air. This is why they think spaces using 100% natural materials.

Hemp is a breathable material, creating healthy environnement, thermal comfort and energy saving.

Essential features for a high quality way to build.

Hemp fiber used in Edilcanapa products is a specific choice. Biological analysis of Cannabis Sativa show that hemp (or hemp wood) obtained from the stem of the dried plant, has a molecular structure to hive, is perfectly breathable, has a high thermal power, is at the same time ductile and durable, thanks to the silica content in the fiber.

400% zoom in of a wood hemp structure (ISMAC-Dr. A. Patrucco)
lime quarry

These fiber features allow hemp products to be:

  • excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
  • breathable and therefore dehumidifying and anti-mould
  • antiseptics and anti-rodents
  • ideal for construction in seismic areas.


Worldwide demand for green building doubles every 3 years. Statistics shows 60% of building projects are oriented towards sustainability.

All new and requalifying  buildings projects are conceived to reduce energy consumption CO2 emissions.

EU Green House was definitively approved on 12.04.2024 and the main goal is to reduce  at least 16% of energy consumption of exhisting buildings within 2030 and 20-22% within 2035.

A building with a very high energy performance is characterized by insulation, high-performance fixtures and high-performance systems. The energy required to reach a state of comfort is very low, the remaining one is covered to a significant extent

from renewable sources present within the boundary of the property (almost Zero Energy Building). The traditional consumptions of a residential building are those due to heating (in winter), cooling (in summer), the production of domestic hot water and the electricity necessary to operate the appliances and lighting.

The main aspects to be evaluated in a passive building (NZEB), with high energy savings, both in the construction phase and in the renovation phase, are the envelope, the production of renewable energy and the systems.

Attention must focus on the envelope which represents the outer skin of the building, made up of opaque parts (walls and structure) and transparent parts (windows) from which the passage of air and light is allowed. The envelope must regulate the passage of heat, humidity, ventilation and light.